Thursday, August 21, 2014

Done, Welcome My New House

Alhamdulillah, after being processed about 1 month finally my mortgage (a.k.a KPR) has been approved by bank (I used my employee mortgage facility, of course have different rate and fees compare to public mortgage ).

It means that i officially owned the house in Green City View Block M No. 7, Bandung City, West Java.

Green City View is one of housing in Bandung developed by GAN property. I had been searching this for almost two years but i was not attracted at that time. After looking for many housing in Bandung, I even not really remember how many places I have came to, at the end my choice comes to this on-hill housing.

The price and location has been my first priority to be considered as place to live. In addition, availability of masjid, quality of water, social living and traffic density must be the next category. In term of price, GAN offer not only affordable house but premium house as well with a good quality of building materials, according to testimonies in internet :D. Its proved by so many places and housing developed by this company, particularly in Bandung City.

Located on the hill of Jatihandap, it has about 8 km from my office, bank bjb head office Naripan, and same distance to my Graduate Campus, ITB. Well, i hope I will get efficient in my time.

This would be my first house until this time. It might not as spacious as others but I feel happy having my own home. Small but comfortable. That must be my home slogan hehe… I believe that coziness of living places is based on how we could create and make it to be comfortably to live not a matter of luxurious. Nonetheless, having a house is a milestone of investment. Once we could get the better one, we can change it or add it.

Eventually, for those who has trip to Bandung, feel free to come to my small and cutest house…

Thursday, May 08, 2014

My Master Study landed to ITB

I have been curious about the result of KGSP 2014 scholarship. It mentioned that the announcement would be first week of May 2014 and it was May 8th. I tried to take a look my email and i found nothing about scholarship notification. Pursuing my curiosity, then i opened 'study in korea' website and began to search announcement information. Yap, finally i found the information i need so-called "Notice for second candidate....". I opened that link and tara... my name did not exist. T_T

That's OK. It's been my second chance failed on the scholarship selection after ADS last year. Yes i was really disappointed at that time. Just at that time. Then gave up ? Big NO NO. I told my wife about my failure on scholarship selection and she said "It's OK abi, i'm really proud of you for every efforts you've done so far. It might the best from Allah swt give you a chance to continue your study in Indonesia and you already accepted in ITB which not everyone could". You were right My Love..., maybe this is my right path and i have to maximize this chance.

Honestly, ITB was my second target for my master study. I had a plan for this year study, if i couldn't accepted by overseas university scholarship i would take ITB as my study destination. And obviously Allah granted me on my second choice. :)

It was not easy to pass ITB selection for MBA school. I remember my AAT and ELPT test preparation in order to meet ITB requirement. I was quite confident for English Test because it not my first time experience. However, AAT was my first time test which mean i did not know about the question model prediction. I just found on the blog that AAT model similar with GMAT question. Eventually, i learnt GMAT question for AAT test preparation. Of course all of the question in English and i must adapted with that.

Finally testing day has come. OK, i tried to calming my self and suggesting to just do the best i can. Forgot about the result, just do the best. One week afterward, i received an email from SBM ITB announcing that i had been accepted for MBA Young Executive program. Alhamdulillah.... It all thanks to support from my lovely wife, prayer from my family, friend and certainly God willing.

OK...from now on i will focus to get my goal in this place, InsyaAllah. Not only get the formal title but also there would available tons of network, chance and of course materialize my dream. I am happy to be me with all i have.

Note: I am not continue my study in computer science again by the way. I love business field and tend to lead Finance major.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Make a New Thing

"...At some point, when you can do it, you have to leave home. You can always come back, but you have to leave at least once. Your brain gets too comfortable in your everyday surroundings. You need to make it uncomfortable. You need to spend some time in another land, among people that do things differently than you. Travel makes the world look new, and when the world look new, our brains work harder." taken from book "Steal like an artist by Austin Kleon".

Living this life doesn't mean we only through this life just like water flow in the river. When we got stuck or really bored, the only way to do is 'make' a new thing. We have to go out from our comfort zone for a while and try something unusual and not tangled up in our daily job. It would trigger our brain to recognize very much information and make us being creative.

Just do simple thing differently. Go to the office earlier than before, try a new menu for breakfast, traveling to a new places, or attending seminar with the topic out of our major are a must tried activities for coloring our life.

We can build dynamic life by our own manner because everyone has different habit. The last, by make a new thing in such a way, would prevent brain freeze and stuck of living this life and we will be thankful to God for giving us this beautiful life.